Lot of the strong (in Russian)

18 Jul 2014

This is a short novel, which I wrote 5 years ago for a literature contest called Рваная грелка (“Lacerated hot water bottle”). By the contest rules, all participants are given 48 hours to write a short story on a given topic (that time, the topic was “В надежде славы и добра”, which roughly translates as “In hopes of fame and bliss to come”). After that, the participants read each other’s stories and vote for them in two-round poll.

A friend of mine recently reminded me of the events of that days. My story didn’t pass to the second round, so it’s probably not that good :) Anyway, I like it, and the friend liked it as well. I also got some positive responses back then. So, there it is! Read at your own risk :)

P.S. It’s in Russian. I can’t translate it to English properly.